Jeff Wisecarver, Road Superintendent


3373 Herbert Harville Drive
Morristown, TN 37813

Phone: (423) 586-3273

Office Hours:
Monday – Thursday 7:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Friday 7:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

The Hamblen County Garbage Department provides weekly curbside collection of residential waste and bi-weekly curbside collection of recyclable materials. Curbside collection is also provided as often as possible for things such as tree and shrub trimmings as well as items that are considered junked or disposable such as furniture, scrapped wood, etc.  Ninety (90) gallon garbage carts are provided by Hamblen County for residential waste, however, carts are not provided for recyclable materials. Recycle containers must be a fifty (50) gallon size or less. Recycle bags may be used for collection as well.

Services & Schedules

Frequently Asked Questions

A garbage cart with a particular serial number was assigned to each residence in 2005. Additional carts can be purchased from the Hamblen County Garbage Department in the amount of $100.00. The Hamblen County Garbage Department must be notified if a cart is damaged, stolen, or becomes missing at (423)586-3273. Garbage carts are considered the responsibility of the property owner in rental situations.

Since the collection is intended to be for residential waste only, no pet litter, paint, oil, tree/shrub trimmings, dirt, building materials, nor carcasses of any kind can be placed in the ninety gallon containers. Waste placed outside the garbage carts will not be collected because of insurance considerations unless special circumstances develop.

Collection will normally take place after a holiday, buy valium in canada excluding Thanksgiving and Christmas. Thanksgiving holiday is observed on Thursday and Friday, therefore, Thursday and Friday’s collection will take place Monday and Tuesday of the following week. Garbage carts must be placed curbside by 6:00 a.m. Christmas holiday is generally observed a half of the day on Christmas Eve, the full day on Christmas day and the full day on the day after Christmas. Please consult the local newspaper, the home page of the County website or Hamblen County Government Facebook page for instructions regarding the collection on the week of Christmas.

If a property owner compensates an individual, group, or business for tree or shrub trimming services, curbside collection will not take place. The removal and disposal of the trimmings will be the responsibility of the property owner.

Hamblen County Road Department

This department is responsible for the maintenance, repair or improvement of those roads in Hamblen County that are not maintained by the State Department of Transportation or the City of Morristown Public Works Department. The County Road System consists of 406 miles and is surfaced by hot mix asphalt and a small amount of the double bituminous treatment. The hours of operation are from 7:30 A.M to 4:00 P.M. Monday thru Friday. Please call (423) 586-3273 for any questions.

The maintenance and repair of the County Road system includes things such as pothole repair, failed pavement repair, shoulder repair, ditch maintenance, the repair or replacement of drainage structures (pipes, catch basins, box culverts, box bridges), road sign repair or replacement, pavement marking or striping maintenance, mowing along the sides of the road, snow removal, the removal of obstructions such as fallen trees, ETC……

Any improvement to the county road system will include resurfacing, widening, or any new development of property either on an existing county road or development that involves the construction of new roads within the scope.

Existing pipes will be maintained or replaced by the Hamblen County Road Department at no cost to the property owner. New entrances to the County Road System are different. The property owner is responsible for the purchase of the new drain pipe if one is required. The Hamblen County Road Department will determine whether or not a drain pipe is required under a new entrance. The road department can assist with the installation at no charge to the property owner.
If you have a question regarding a Tennessee State Highway you should call the local Tennessee Department of Transportation at (423) 587-7026. If you have a question about a City street, you should call the City of Morristown Public Works Department at (423) 585-4658.
If you have a “Road Emergency” after our regular operating hours that threatens the safety of the traveling public, you should call 911 and tell the dispatcher the nature of the emergency so she or he can notify the Road Department.