Courthouse New Year’s Day Holiday Schedule
The Courthouse will be closed on January 1, 2025, for New Year's Day. Happy New Year!
The Courthouse will be closed on January 1, 2025, for New Year's Day. Happy New Year!
Hamblen County Government is seeking a full-time Stormwater Assistant This is responsible field and administrative work assisting with the enforcement of Hamblen County's Zoning Resolutions, Subdivision Regulations, Building Technical Codes, and applicable Stormwater requirements. Activities associated with the job include assisting with the coordination of stormwater permitting, issuing stop orders when necessary, conducting inspections to [...]
The Hamblen County Highway Department is seeking applicants to fill an open Mechanic position. This is skilled mechanical work performing activities associated with the repair, routine maintenance, and diagnoses of vehicle components and/or equipment malfunctions for a variety of fleet vehicles and machinery used primarily for highway operations and sanitation activities. Job-related duties require a [...]
Hamblen County Legislative Body Committee Meetings - Monday, March 10, 2025 at 5:00p.m. in the Large Courtroom of the Hamblen County Courthouse at 511 W. 2nd North Street, Morristown. Visit Meeting Packets to review items on the Agenda.
Hamblen County Legislative Body – Monthly Commission Meeting: Thursday, March 20, 2025 at 5:00pm in the 3rd Floor Large Courtroom – Hamblen County Courthouse located at 511 W. 2nd North St., Morristown. Visit Meeting Packets to review items on the Agenda.
The Hamblen County Clerk’s office is consolidating its operations to the county courthouse effective December 2, 2024, to improve efficiency and to cut operating costs without sacrificing customer service. The clerk’s office has decided to move the satellite office operations located on North Davy Crockett Parkway to the courthouse combining all services to conveniently be [...]
Hamblen County Health Department is hiring a Public Health Office Supervisor 1. Please click for more information.
Hamblen County Government is seeking a qualified and highly motivated Planner. This position will report directly to the Planning Department Manager and will be responsible for providing planning consulting and administrative services for the Hamblen County Planning Commission, Hamblen County Governing Body, Staff, and citizens at large. Duties include: Assist with planning related inquiries and [...]
Notice is hereby given that the Hamblen County Legislative Body will fill the vacancy for the Hamblen County Mayor at the regularly scheduled County Commission Meeting on Thursday, October 24, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. The meeting will take place in the large courtroom of the Hamblen County Courthouse located at 511 W. 2nd North Street, [...]
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Joint Economic & Community Development Board of Hamblen County, TN will NOT meet on Monday, October 7, 2024. Marshall Ramsey