The Hamblen County Commission is comprised of fourteen positions, which are elected by the citizens of Hamblen County to represent each of the fourteen County Commission Districts. In September of each year, the fourteen commissioners elect one of their own as Chair of the Commission.
The Commission adopts the overall budget, appropriates funds for the county, sets a tax rate, apportions the county into districts and adopts laws authorized by the State of Tennessee. In addition to service as the Beer Board, it appoints a County Attorney and a Veteran’s Service Officer. In addition it provides some funds or space to assist the operations of several agencies, which it does not appoint, such as the Election Commission, and the Agricultural Extension Service.
The County Commission meets monthly on the Thursday following the third Monday at 5 p.m. in the Large Courtroom on the 3rd floor of the Courthouse. The Commission uses committees to research and discuss county issues before public action is taken in the monthly meeting. Committees are assigned by the Chair on a yearly basis, and meet ten days prior to the Commission meeting.
Point of Contact:
County Mayor’s Office:
Hamblen County Courthouse
511 West Second North Street
Morristown, TN 37814
Phone: (423) 586-1931
Fax: (423) 585-4699
Important Information
Upcoming Meetings
Committees meet the 2nd Monday of each month unless a County holiday falls on that date at which time the meetings will take place on the following Tuesday.
5:00 p.m.
Hamblen County Courthouse
Large Courtroom
Meeting Packets
Commission Meeting:
Commission meets the 3rd Thursday following the 1st Monday of each month.
5:00 p.m.
Hamblen County Courthouse
Large Courtroom
Meeting Packets